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Showing posts from 2011

天堂以后。The five people you meet in Heaven.

The five people you meet in Heaven. Written by Mitch Albom. It's really a great story. Really worth for RM10. =D This is a story about a man named Eddie. He ends his life but it is just a beginning. Here I share the plot of the movie... =D : Eddie is the responsible for the maintenance of the Ruby Pier amusement park and a veteran of World War II. While trying to save a five year old girl from an accident with ride that is falling after rupturing the wire, Eddie dies. He awakes in Heaven, and the Blue Man explains him that he will have a journey meeting five people in their heavens that will show the importance of his life before he goes to the next level. Who are the five people I will meet in Heaven...? If I got chance, I will write in here after I go to Heaven~ XDD

Special Day. Special People.

I saw something interesting on Facebook. So, I try to play this game too. XD But actually I dont know what the code number means. XDDDD *0301* The first day I met him and so it was a special day for me. A very very special day. XP There wasn't any word between us. But the special moment starts this day after all. >.< *0601* She is a crazy people. But sometimes she is strict. Hmm.... an Otaku...? Just thanks that she is the one can share the same interest with me --- Anime...! We are quite good since primary. We now are tgt too in CLBWO. Hope that can continue our friendship even after graduate... =D *1801* We knew each other since 2003. Hehe. 8 years friendship. ^ ^ I know that maybe I'm not a very good secret keeper... I felt sorry to that. But I hope this won't effect our friendship. Ya, it's Tortoise Birthday. =D *1002* Actually, I hate this day. Every year I don't know how to say "Happy Birthday". I am a shy daughter~ XDD I personally think that ...

Holiday begin !

SHARE. 曾静玟/1993.08.18 Love her voice, her hairstyle, her personality. Such touching voice and cheerful girl. HOLIDAY. Omg. What am I goin to do? I wish to learn guitar. But I must wait for PMR result. I could buy a guitar if I get 8A's. XD. Xixi. BANDLIFE I have a practical test on coming Saturday. "sigh" Damn. Dark. Darsh. Whatever. I hate exam, or test. END.


人生就是不停的戰鬥,就從為妳受罰開始 :) 柯景騰,我可以問你一個問題嗎? 問啊。 你為什麼不讀書? ……我沒有不讀啊!我一念書起來,實力強到連我自己都會害怕! 「……讀書真的很煩。」 「所以會念書的人很厲害啊!」 「我敢跟妳賭,十年後,我連log是什麼都忘了,照樣活得很好。」 「嗯。」 「妳不相信?」 「相信啊。」 「相信還那麼用功讀書!」 「人生本來就有很多事,是徒勞無功的啊。」 我一點也不喜歡讀書。 但,喜歡一個人,就要偶而做一些自己不喜歡的事...... 從此以後,努力用功讀書,竟變成一件非常熱血的事! 不像考卷,所有複雜困難的問題都能得到一個解答, 真實人生裡,有些事永遠也得不到答案。 沈佳宜,從以前到現在,這是我覺得妳唯一比我厲害的時候。 妳哭起來,也超正! 升大學前,最後一個夏天的主題,是鹹鹹的海水...... 沈佳宜,妳應該不喜歡幼稚的男生吧? 對啊。 那你覺得我們裡面,誰最幼稚啊? ......柯騰吧。 我想成為一個很厲害的人。 怎樣才算是厲害的人啊? 我想讓這個世界,因為有了我,而有一點點的不一樣。 ......而我的世界,不過就是, 妳的心。 柯景騰,你是全世界第一號,大笨蛋! 柯景騰,你真的很喜歡我嗎? ......喜歡啊! 你想清楚再跟我說! 沈佳宜,我很喜歡妳,非常喜歡妳。 總有一天,我一定要追到妳! 成長,最殘酷的部份就是,女孩永遠比同年齡的男孩成熟。 女孩的成熟,沒有一個男孩招架得住。 我將一句話遺留在青春裡, 現在,我想跟妳說…… 17歲,32歲。 我得向你說一聲謝謝,你得回我一個抱。 拐了一大彎,我們都回到了故事開始的地方。 我錯了。 如果你真的很喜歡一個女孩, 當她有人疼,有人愛,你會真心真意的祝福她。 永遠幸福,快樂。 是妳的幸福,為我們的青春找到最好的註解。 座位前,座位後。男孩衣服背上開始出現藍色墨點。 一回頭,女孩的笑顏, 讓男孩魂牽夢繫了好多年,羈絆了一生。

You are the apple of my eye

夺回青春 真开心,我们成功干了犯法的事。XD PLAN X 还真管用。 我们在戏院前和一群印裔女生(姐姐)换票。 混进去后才换回戏票。 够聪明吧。 也谢谢查票员的睁一只眼闭一只眼。 总之,今天过得还不赖的。 “人生很多事本来就是徒劳无功的。” 其实就不过是一点点 打手枪 全裸在家乱跑 为什么要18禁? 反正看过就算了。 每个男孩心中都有一个 沈佳仪 也不是每个男孩都像 柯景腾 一样特别 希望每个人都可以一直喜欢自己喜欢的人 喜欢下去

It's final. I love you. 3A2

Damn. I hate this feelings. I really not willing to leave this class. It's a cute, funny, lovely class after all. 2011 / 3A2 alyssa hock tee shi yun wat chin ming yi yi tong chia wern jing ern kok shong kai sen ying yun tiew yu huai hui ying mei xuan henry lik theng jill hui jing hui yuen aik chuan chin peng chao chun cher nee chong meng khai khim phin shen qiao mei yi fang ming hao siak yee yunn peng hooi shin jia sian hao yi yu chen sonia wei liang li ting wen sen yan ling ching wei wallace jie ying qi jie May all of us cherish this little fragment of memory in our hearts...


期待《那些年,我们一起追过的女孩。》上映。 前两天蹲在大众书局 K 玩《那些年》这本小说。 不是盖的。 蹲了3个小时看完了,真是值得。 我边看边笑边哭。 路过者可能以为我有病。XD 真的很喜欢九把刀的爱情故事。 我不是很喜欢看爱情小说,除了九把刀的。 这些年,我们应该都很享受青春。 可能我们不晓得,但我确定,这段日子,会是我们以后回忆无穷的故事。 至少在这些年,我们有着喜欢谁的权力。 请把最后的权力留给自己,什么都没有的时候,至少心里还有个自己喜欢的人。 不奢求能和自己心爱的人一起看《那些年》,只希望能和一班知己拥有这段回忆。 又回到最初的起點 記憶中妳青澀的臉 我們終於來到了這一天 桌墊下的老照片 無數回憶連結 今天男孩要赴女孩最後的約 又回到最初的起點 呆呆地站在鏡子前 笨拙繫上紅色領帶的結 將頭髮梳成大人模樣 穿上一身帥氣西裝 等會兒見妳一定比想像美 好想再回到那些年的時光 回到教室座位前後 故意討妳溫柔的罵 黑板上排列組合 妳捨得解開嗎 誰與誰坐他又愛著她 那些年錯過的大雨 那些年錯過的愛情 好想擁抱妳 擁抱錯過的勇氣 曾經想征服全世界 到最後回首才發現 這世界滴滴點點全部都是妳 那些年錯過的大雨 那些年錯過的愛情 好想告訴妳 告訴妳我沒有忘記 那天晚上滿天星星 平行時空下的約定 再一次相遇我會緊緊抱著妳 緊緊抱著妳

November renew

1.11.11 2011 CLB graduation day It wasn't my day after all. But I cried on that day. I wonder how will it be 2 years later on my graduation day. Took some nice photos with Form 5 seniors. I know that I will miss them after they leave.T^T FangChin & I KaiJia & I ShianBoon & I Me & JyeEr Me & YiJia Me & ChinYee Me & GeeSiang Good Luck to all Form 5 seniors and hope that they can straight get 10A's in SPM. =)

Yu yu hakusho - My childhood pastime

Yu Yu Hakusho This is my top faourite anime. I watched this since 11 years old, until now~ =D The anime well potrays the element of loyalty, bravery and trust with friends. The 4 main characters are Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama and Hiei. Kurama is my bias~ XDD He is soooo cool and awesome as he can stay very calm whenever facing dangers and troubles. Please don't every say that he is lame or gay... In fact, he is a cool and gorgeous... XD Rewatching the anime and review my childhood memories~ FightING~


等一个人咖啡_九把刀 这是一个在浪漫咖啡厅上演的一则有趣的故事。 里面的不同角色的主角都在等一个人。 浪漫自然不做作。 就是这本书的特色。 还蛮喜欢阿不思的。XD 她是个很有个性的拉子(蕾丝边)哦。 好看的一本书。 有空就看吧。 对你绝对没有害处。 期待《那些年》的上映


政府考试过了一个星期。我们中三生在考完试后的日子更加难过。贴心的校方特地举办了各种活动让我们参与。 原本以为今天举办的一日游会很乏味。今天的活动是去参观纸厂和特殊儿童学校。之前还以为同学们都不会怎么积极参与。但是实际上,我们学校的学生都还蛮有爱心的。活动开放报名的两天后,姗桦告知活动位置快满了,所以拉着我一起去报名。与其待在课室啃小说,不如去参观这些地方更有趣。 前几天用了一部分储蓄买了几打的饼干,想拿去与小朋友分享。朋友也翻出了一些小时候的玩具、小熊。其他班的同学还用心良苦排练了一些简单的手语和舞蹈准备呈献给小朋友。大家似乎都很期待这天的到来。 今天一早,公共汽车就起程。路程还算遥远,但是大家实在压抑不住那份期待及喜悦。公共汽车停了之后,我们走了一小段路,便到达了位于威南的这所特殊儿童学校。小朋友比我们还兴奋,冲出来大喊“姐姐”。 小孩子都很开心。那里的爱心老师说明了学校建校的宗旨,同时也让我深深感受到那份无私的爱心。比起一些有钱有势有地位的白领人士,我对这些老师更有一份敬意。我暗暗对自己说,我也要向她们看齐。特殊儿童学校是间私立学校,都是当地YB和其他热心人士出钱出力建立成的。这所学校不仅让特殊儿童就读,成人其实也可以到那里做些简单的工作赚点生计。 同学们当然也呈献了他们精心筹备的表演。但是比起他们的表演,大家比较享受残障朋友的表演。老师说,这就是你们和他们的不同点。看起来,是你们的表演比较有水准。但是表情严肃,压力写在脸上。他们就不一样,他们可以很享受整个表演过程,快乐就好。我们得多多向他们学习啊。 事实就是这样。上帝其实是公平的。像我们四肢健全,头脑正常的人,往往因为追求虚荣的东西而失去了我们原本最纯真的快乐。然而,残障朋友虽然有些智障、四肢不健全、外表和一般人不一样,但是他们得到了真正的快乐。跳楼自杀的人往往都是正常人。你有看过残障人士因为想不开而自杀吗?那是因为他们并没有像我们那么容易放弃。即使知道自己不完美,但依然快乐坚强地走完人生这条路。 和小朋友拍完照片之后,我们踏上归途。这次的活动,让我有股冲动,想要为他们做点什么。但是,其实他们根本不需要我们的同情可怜,因为他们拥有的比我们更多。但愿这些小朋友能够继续带着天使般的欢笑,社会正需要他们天使般的温暖。

Short renew

Finally I'm back. Really feel lazy to renew my bloggie~ XD Anyway, still renew what... Hahz. Left 2 days to go. I'm looking forward for our days....after PMR! Yohoo... But I found that, I felt really boring even before exam. So after exam? More boring, maybe. I think I should find something new to fill my time. Except CLBWO, I should try something new, maybe dancing, writing love story, do some part-time job. It's great isn't? I felt that I already forget the person that I logged to care him, hug him or otherthing else. I'm goin to forget him gradually. Ya, he is nothing to me. Don't put too much afford on him. It's not worth. Recently I have an idea to write about a love story. Haha. The couple are sooo sweet. XD It's all imaginations. The story plot:(I try to write in English but it's hard...) 徐瑾 是个19岁女大学生,就读天星城里著名的理科大学。独立又爱自由的个性,让她决定离开家里,独自搬出来靠自己过活。她曾天真认为,能与初恋情人结婚共度一生是件完美幸福的事。然而当她觉得与初恋情人距离越来越遥远时,她发现,她一点都不了解他。无奈之下,短了这场长跑了三年的初恋。当她决定要努力靠自己过活,不需要任何男人的...

Escape for a little while

We finished the trail exam. Yeepee... But no any excited feelings. I hate my result. I will collapse, if the situation continued. What The Foolish. I got many spelling mistake in English paper. **Thier, to happens, to continues...* I just got 76% this time. Worse than what I think. BM paper 1 I got only 26/40. I can't imagine how is my expression after getting paper 2. I will cry, maybe. I swear, I really put effort in this time exam. But still, what is the result...? SHIT. I memorize Sejarah for 2 weeks still failed to score an A. I thought Geografi I will get A and KH I will get at least 80%. Anyway, I had try my best. My mum keep console me to relax, it's juz a trial. I feel more stress when she do so. But sometimes, she nags again, when she heard YunXin's result. It's like black and white. An angel to comfort me and ltr change into a demon to scold me. RELAX FOR A WHILE. I WILL COLLAPES, SURE, IF I DON'T GET A BREAK. JUST ESC...


Hey guys...... I do really miss my computer, my facebook, my youtube and my BLOGGIE~~ =D Just finished 5 papers in the trial exam. 3 more subjects to go~ Hmm... Not yet ready... goin to work hard tonight~ :) I had try my best in this time exam. But still, the result are unsatisfied. Damn sejarah... I got 78% last time. I din really work hard on it. Just simply read through. This time I bet that I could at least get 80%, but... T^T In fact, I just got 73%. An 'A' flew away. Next, talk bout' my BM. It's tough, really. Not lying. Believe me pls, mum... I think I just got abt 26 correct out of 40. What I can do is praying my paper 2 could get 79 out of 100. Thn I will have the oppurtunity to get A on it...... God Bless Me. My science got 2 question wrong out of 40. Not bad~=P And my English, wow, I'm happy bout' it. I can't believe that I could get 37/40. I never get tis kind of mark since in secondary school. Thx to my sir, he tau...


We're back!! We got 1st-runner up and the BEST drum major. BRAVO~~ We are the best~ I felt without any nervous juz felt want to go to toilet before our turn~ XD We really thought that we can broke their records. Unfortunately, we didn't. But anyway, we done our best~ Wow.... When we were announced that we got no.2, sum of us cry. Really, I felt that feelings too. But I din cry~ XD We have a hard time. We really done our best... Actually, we can proudly say: "We use only 1 month(less than 1 month) to practice. We done all practice by ourself, without any guiding of coach(only guiding by X-senior). And we were able to gain such result. We're the best at last..." We place at #10 in whole M'sia currently. Sarawak is going to compete at 28th June. Hope that they won't get higher that 66.2% ... XD Than we will be able to compete in Grand Final~~~ God bless us. I say All Right You say Here We Go. All Right! Here We Go! All Right! Here We Go!

Happy teacher's day? Happy 3A2 day?

Oh yeah... Really excited and look forward for 2ml Teacher's day... Seedyun... Tag me after upload the pica ya~ =D Today is the last day for 1B exam~ The time pass away quickly and soon we are goin to sit for PMR~ =3= After having lunch in OldTown v ShanHua and JuLi (It's expensive. @^@), we went to Econsave to buy all ingredients. (It's expensive too...... ) Soon later back to my house. Guess what? They were goin to tear off my house... They seems like having gathering party more than preparing ... XD Namelist: -SeedYun -MeiXuan -Ophelia -YanLing -YunnPeng -ChiaWen -ChingWei -PhinShen -HockTee -ShanHua -JuLi We start doing all the things juz at about 3.30pm~ (It was late. I noe tat...) Shanhua start to cut the cute carrot from my refrigerator... hehe~ Thn ltr donoe why HockTee took turn to cut the carrot... Maybe there was no need to worry at all as he reli pro in it... wow... As a girl, I felt a little...... dunoe wat feelings... I need to learn to do housework dy... =3= ...


连续几天比赛终于结束了。 首先,先恭贺朝俊同学吧。 为3A2争光,过五关斩六将,进入了决赛啦。 同时也为我们其他四人的失败默哀1秒吧。XD 其实没有很恐怖啦。 今年,就当那个6块钱的经验吧。 谁叫我的第一次不早点呢?。。。不要误解了。 比赛结束了。 好像有点不知道要做什么的样子。 我差点儿忘了考试就在18号呀。(听说提早到12号了。) 有点。。。懒惰加油。= = 我喜欢他突然出现在我背后的距离和声音。 Miss Kok问我详情。 呵呵,向知道是谁? 还早得很呢。 时机到了才说吧。 又或者,以后都不说~XD 可能,我不配乜。。。 好啦。 拜拜。


咳咳。。。 喉咙机器生锈了。 继前两三天在华语演讲比赛吐了不少声音后, 喉咙现在沙了。 咳咳。。。 今天一切还好。 只是站在台上时,不由主地一直望着三个人。 一,咱们怀念的又即将去生孩子的老师。 二,与我每日相对的莉婷。。。 三,自己猜吧。你觉得我是在看你,那我就是在看你。 唱歌真的会有罪恶感。 真的。 唱第一次,觉得,嗯还不错乜。 不过接下来深入地练得时候, 就会觉得, 唔,怎么越唱越糟糕? 甚至会想,为什么一首这样好听的歌会被自己这样糟蹋。 会想,为什么一收听似不太难的歌会被自己唱得很辛苦。 唉。 明天10点半。 3号呀。 加油吧。


我饿了三天了。 饿。。。 早上只吃了苹果和一杯牛奶; 中午只吃了6片Jacob's全麦饼干; 晚餐吃了1/4只鱼,两碗冬瓜汤和一粒番茄。 我忍。。。 接下来,我要和高热量的食物绝交一段时间了。=( 加油吧。 今天的华语演讲比赛,败北。 又不是第一次,伤什么心呢? 不甘心的应该是尽了力却得来这样的成果吧。 无奈,我尽力了。 如此的心情,就如医生从手术房走出来对病人的亲人摇头感叹:“我尽力了。” 虽然个人认为,自己是有一点点地进步。 但是在老师眼里,最终还是比不过经验丰富,上过百战的参赛者们。 或许,输,就输在自信吧。 不过坦白说,上台前,亏 欣仪 的一句话激起内心里的自信。 她说: “你还没上台就怕了的话,就输人2分了;有信心的话,就赢了2分。” 嗯。。。 谢谢你咯。 伟粮问比赛不是应该抱着拿经验的态度参加吗? 是没错啦。 不过我问你,你参赛了整整8年了;在钟灵也上过台了;参与了三年的比赛, 你还会想要拿经验吗? 第一年,拿经验。 第二年,尽力而为,没得奖,就当经验吧。 第三年呢?又再拿经验? 这样的人生多没趣呀。 没有目标没有野心,活得像宠物,主人要你做什么就做什么,没有自己想追求的东西。 我绝对不是这种人; 也绝对不会成为这种人。 **此话不是针对伟粮或批评他的想法,只是纯粹让我发泄下。 人,总该拿得起放得下。 这场比赛,在我心中,留下了一小块记忆。 让我学会更多东西。 星期五和六。加油吧! 我会为我争光。。。♥


事实上,今天并没有特别的事情发生。 不过今天心情挺不错的。=) 这几天班上也没发生什么大事情。 只是班上同学在前几天开始了 “改造凯森” 大行动。 不错嘛。 但愿他真的能重新做人~ XD 嗯。。。 倒数8天就是华语演讲初赛。 倒数13天就是决赛。(都不知道进不进得了。) 倒数18天就是英语演讲比赛。 嗯。。。6月歌唱比赛。 妈妈说,很开心,我终于重出江湖了~ XDD [此句不含任何自傲的意思。] 成年往事。 是啊。 初一的华语演讲比赛中只进了决赛。 初二的就连决赛也进不了。(榴莲) 我还记得杜老师说的:“我们2A1四个代表,只拿了一个季军。不应该是横扫三甲的吗?” 2A1。。。2A1。。。 2A1也一样是人。 钟灵生也一样是人。 可是为什么输给别人就是一个耻辱呢? 2A1败给其他班,这是羞耻; 钟灵生纪律不比恒毅好;这也是羞耻。 是这样的吗? = = 小孩子好胜的心理,就是因为大人们造成的。 是父母,是师长。 最终,还是因为教育失败。 可悲。 那个时候起,我就不想再参与任何比赛。 任何都不要。 但是今年,想想。 难道就如此浪费这些机会? 为了一些无知的讽刺就放弃,这的确是愚昧的。 我不是聪明人,但绝对不是愚蠢的人。 做对的事,不要做对的人。 可能大家觉得这样才对,但你违背了自己的良心, 那为何不选择面对良心,做觉得对的事。 对不起大家,至少对得起自己。 回来了。 又有人说我染发。= = 呵呵。 真的那么像吗? 那不就可以剩掉染发的钱了?XD 最近发现大马人很没有文化。 车子驾在路上,越车来又越车去。 晚辈见到长辈不晓得请安或鞠躬。 出席晚宴常常比新娘新郎还要迟。 孩子说在地上看到钱父母责怪为何不捡起来。 这就是大马风气。 谁的错? 大马教育失败。 谁的错?


星期五越野赛跑。 嗯,不被扣分已经很庆幸了~ XD 结果回家脚痛得呱呱叫。= = 星期六早上铜乐步操。 跑了一圈草场。 然后冒着雨继续步操。 感觉不错呀~ XD 晚上乘了 mini bus 和 senior 们到槟城去出席 Mr. Woon 举办类似庆功宴的 buffet~ =D 我们到达得太早。= = 我们太准时了。 结果跟着一班 senior 走,没错就是走。 从 Mr. Woon 店走到关子角。Gurney 那边。 几好玩的。 可是我脚要断了~ =( 星期日开始觉得不舒服。 可能淋太多雨了。 头痛。 还是硬着头皮和父母去了槟城。 终于在大众里看完了《冲吧!放牛班》。 不错看的,蛮有意思。 今天MSSPP。其实我上星期四才收到衣服和通知。 “下星期一6点45分集合。” = = 老天。越野赛跑-〉步操-〉比赛????? 同学看到我的田径衣,问我几时参了校队。 真是好笑啊~ 我天生不是运动料。 每年标准运动会赛跑包围绝对不会没有我的份。 你觉得我像是赛跑的料吗? = = 所以说,即不是跑也不是跳,那肯定是抛的了。 铅球 标枪 铁饼 我1年(其实是不到一年)没动这些玩意儿。 现在叫我去比赛? 好吧。去那个经验。XD 这是自我安慰。 真的是去拿经验,今天真的是“凯旋而归” 嗯。。。空手回~ XD 没法啊。在第一项铅球时,由于铅球湿湿地,手一滑,就丢不出去,结果敲中手。 然后叻?手臂被铅球捧了便暂时性成了棍子,还是把铅球‘打’出去了。 疼死偶了。 所以接下来的比赛就只想快快结束回家睡觉。 谁知道回到家却精神奕奕。 一点睡意也没有。 我要去练习。 我不要在三校运动会出糗多一次了。 就这样。拜拜。


心血来潮,这篇就用正规点的中文吧~ =) 昨天的音乐会个人非常不满意。 不是不满意大家,是不满意自己的表现。 很糟糕。糟糕得很。 我还有很远很远的路要走。 如果我就停在昨天,那就没有以后了。 所以,再怎样错,只要领悟了,我应该没错了。 至少我已经知道我错在哪里。 错,就错在不懂得控制情绪。 不该紧张的时候就紧张得手指嘴唇乐器都再抖。 下次不抖了。真的不敢抖了。 换点心情。 刚刚无意间在youtube发现了一个吉他手。 很可爱呐~ 15岁.我们还年幼无知.他却已经开始追求自己的理想了。 称不上帅,可是才华和气质真的有够帅。 [2006年11月;10岁] [2007年5月;11岁] [2008年1月;12岁] [2008年10月;12岁] [2010年5月;14岁] **大爱** [2010年8月;14岁] **大爱** [2010年9月;14岁] [2010年9月;14岁] [2011年2月;15岁] 最让人敬佩的是他那一颗对音乐真诚的心。 那份热忱,不是每个人都能拥有的。 [2008年10月;12岁] **大爱** 当两个真诚地对待音乐的吉他手遇见时,就是这么一回事。 那份真心和努力是感人的。 或许哪一天,我也会弹吉他。 就会有一天。

Happy day~♥

Hmm... Hanging out with fren juz now~ Actually we were goin to MPSP do done our folio~ =) 12.30pm I juz have a break of my band activity. And quickly change my shirt... I wore Taemin's concert yellow Tshirt~ XP Thn later YuWei saw me, he said:" Bo jio, Beh cham~" (没有召,不能参)in hokkien. = = Go Mpsp wan jio wat? I rushed home to get my IC and surat kebenaran. But silly idiot, i brought wrong. Not surat sejarah but Geografi punya~ ... >/// 1.00pm We departed from school by Aik Chuan's father's Avanza~ Me, Liting, Huiyuen, Aikchuan and Henry go tgt in 1 car. But we were soooo silent on the way. I thought we direct go MPSP. But later they said go Library 1st. My area sooo short~ XD 1.30pm Reached library. Met Haoyi, Elvin, Qijie, Jill, Yitian(nt same class) and JingYi(oso not same class) We been halau from kawasan kanak2. == The ppl ask us: Berapa tahun sekarang? = =lll Gt limit de meh? We semband and discuss. But dunoe bincang wat pun. 2.30pm We went to MPSP. Met Chi...

Exam ♥♥

Maybe it's not the time for us to talk about puppy love ♥~ Exam this week. Gonna work harder, for me, for him, for her and for everyone~ BI and Geo it's okay~ Not too easy and nt very hard. But I cant estimate bout the marks. As there might be many mistake~ > I felt good during exam. Sit at the back corner and look at the whole class quietly. I enjoyed it~ I often felt that he was beside me. Sometime, ya. But sometimes, maybe juz my imagination. Or could I ask, why......? Recently felt very very sleepy~ They were still studying during 12am, but I was sleep like a pig tat time. But for no reason, I would awake to check my phone for SMS each hour~ Tatz why I cant sleep well and felt sleepy~ XD Good luck. ♥ For my dear friends. and myself. Hwaiting~ ♥♥

Enjoy our life in 3A2♥

Get better in class 3A2~ As long as everyone have a good heart~ I learned a new word: Emo~ XDD They really very emo lur~ Not all la~ But sumtimes~ New, get knows sum of my frenz in 3A2~♥ LiTing: hm... Buddy...... actually she is not so quite as I thought last year~ XDD LikTheng: pretty gal~ Hey, I love your eyes and skin~ XP Chernee: Hey friend~ >, Wat Chin: Oways borrow homework from her~ hehe... Hui Ying: speechless... know each other since long time ago... HockTee: actually... He oso not as quite as I thought. Hm... I so envy his skin... XD AikChuan: He is so cute, juz like Doraemon... =) WenSen & MingHao & WeiLiang: Dun oways DDT la~~ = = KaiSen & KokShong: Dun so emo la~ We skad de leh~ PhinShen: Hey sis...XD goin to taller thn me~ aikz...... Jing En: Erm... Dun so rude la~ I will get effect de~ ...... YunPeng: She is so cute~ =D YanLing: An active gal... JieYing: A nice prefect and classmate =) Alyssa: Bandmate and classmate now~ JingWei: We borrow homework ofter t...

I'm Back♥

I'm Back♥ Finally I am back to internet world again~ Life in 3A2 is not bad~ But I also cant blend into them~ It seems like one gang and other gang... Boys one gang, chat about DDT~ boring~ I up to 13lv in 3days~ Hey I'm a girl you know~~ Girls one gang, chat about the thing I dunoe~~ Aikz~ I think Lting and me are the quiettess in our class~ We read books during free period~~ Haha~ We need to work harder this year~ SS3 met many many problems~ Hope they can done their concert successfully~ I hope to go to there too~ =D But I cant~ Hm... 18.3.11 is our CLBWO concert~ Please do support us~ Date: 18.3.11 Time: (I'm not sure yet) Location: Dewan Sri Pinang Conductor: Mr. Woon Wen Kin Ticket price: RM15 For who interested may ask me~~ (And remember to buy from me~ XDD) Yesterday new Junior join our band~ I finally aware that, Ming-yi is the endangered junior dy~ Yesterday that f1 new junior scare me~ He lack of maner~ C my message, touch my watch~ Walao~ Ming-yi is really better...