Date: 20th - 26th January 2016 Venue: Universiti Teknologi Petronas Event: MyLDS2016 I took bus alone to Kuala Kangsar on 19th, and my dad's advice was: "Next time please do not do this stuff alone without my approval." I understand how and why he worried about me as the whole bus only me a Chinese young girl. But I had always want to do stuff alone, as I know no one will accompany me forever. See my confusing face? That is exactly how I felt before this seminar. Oh by the way, if you're wondering what does MyLDS stand for, it is Malaysian Leadership Development Seminar. This is the first time in my life, joining this kind of big national level conference. If you know me well, perhaps you'll know that I'm kind of afraid to be in new surrounding alone. But I know it is the time for me to improve myself, as I said, you can't expect anyone will stay by your side forever. Your parent will die one day, your siblings will have their own family, your b...