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My AIESEC journey 1.0: MyLDS2016

Date: 20th - 26th January 2016
Venue: Universiti Teknologi Petronas
Event: MyLDS2016

I took bus alone to Kuala Kangsar on 19th, and my dad's advice was: "Next time please do not do this stuff alone without my approval." I understand how and why he worried about me as the whole bus only me a Chinese young girl. But I had always want to do stuff alone, as I know no one will accompany me forever.

See my confusing face? That is exactly how I felt before this seminar. Oh by the way, if you're wondering what does MyLDS stand for, it is Malaysian Leadership Development Seminar. This is the first time in my life, joining this kind of big national level conference. If you know me well, perhaps you'll know that I'm kind of afraid to be in new surrounding alone. But I know it is the time for me to improve myself, as I said, you can't expect anyone will stay by your side forever. Your parent will die one day, your siblings will have their own family, your bestie as well. Who else. So I guess I have to challenge my phobia. And this is a good opportunity for me to do so.

Of course sometimes I feel hard to mingle with groups of people, but I feel great to have one-to-one conversation with others, even strangers. Everyday, we had a session named "Check-in", it has been AIESEC culture and I like that the most. We were asked to go around the hall and pair up with a stranger from different LC (Local Committee) and do the sharing. I met a lot of new friend, and a few of them do really inspired me. I like to know how they think and what are their thoughts. I had been shut myself in my world for so long, and the feeling is so amazing when you get to know how others think about the world or themselves. 

This is Yang Han from UMP. He is my first buddy during the first "check-in" session, and after that, we still continue to pair up and have more conversation. Of course I can't really judge and value how is him as we just met few days ago. But he is a nice person for me, with a cute personality I would say. Both of us were quite confused that time, wondering what we can do actually to contribute to our country, we not dare to say contribute to the world because it's way to far for us. He mentioned about the quality of education in our country is declining, and it somehow makes me reflects as being a future teacher, what could I do to improve the quality of education. And we had a lot of light and fun conversation. Nice to meet him.

These are Ronald, Anasoft and DeyDos (the green freak). They were international facilitators with a lot of brilliant words and ideas. I especially like what DeyDos told us: Do not do your best, do the thing as it is the best to be done. I met a guy named Pravin from UTP, and he said this: I believe that we shouldn't told ourselves we had done our best, because we shouldn't set a limit for ourselves. I remembered Jo actually told me the same thing early in this month. That is why, I made up my mind, don't limit myself, because if I do so, I wouldn't know how far and how high I may go to. DeyDos mentioned about just fucking be yourself and do not have to bother how others see you. "Offend only exist when you take it as an offend." Those who judge my appearance, bye bye and god bless you because you can't offend me anymore. You should mind your own business. 

There was a workshop from one of the UniDigest's founder, Jace. I got to know that there were actually couple of people concern about the education issue, and actually doing something hope to improve it. At that moment, I notice that I'm not the only one doing stuff like that, I'm not the only one to fight for the quality education for future generation, there are others with me. "If not you who, if not now when." By watching couples of young leaders, they stood up, believing that youth power will make difference in this world, and voiced out their concern towards the world issues. I realize that I may be small and little among all people in this society, but if I can do what I can do, then it makes a small difference; and what if I can empower more people to do so? As proverb says: Bit by bit, over time, it will accumulate into a mountain.

I pay attention to every session during the conference, but what I treasure the most is not what I learnt during the session, is the time I spent to talk with others. I appreciate their time and their stories, I think I will say that I learn more than what I learn during the workshop. 

Meet my super tribe members: (from left) Ridwan, Saadh, Puishan, Timiee, Azrain and me! (two missing: Natasha and YiQin) I feel grateful to meet these awesome people, and I will not forget the all stupid 'dare' stuff we had done in the last day. Do not judge people if you do not know the stories behind them, that is what I learnt from them. And I admire their determination and courage tremendously. Thank you for all the great time that we spent together, I get a lot of motivation and gratefulness. I hope God bless all of us till we meet again. And I hope few years later, I will receive your news that you guys are travelling around or working in the ideal company that you guys long for. And I will work hard on my dream as well, although it sounds ridiculous, but thank you for the support you gave.

Scenery in UTP is mesmerizing and took my breath away. This mosque looks even prettier at night, it just looks like the Taj Mahal floating on the lake. 

Here are the ex-KMPians who are now AIESECers and going through the same journey as I had. (From left: Me, KhaiLun, MengSoon and KhaiZheng) Three went missing were Derek, Krishan and a malay guy. Do not ever think that "It's okay, later we still can have photo during sugarcube session." Never. You do not know is there any opportunity to let you to do so, so if you have the chance to do the thing you want, then fucking do it, do not procrastinate.

And here are how the Chung Ling Butterworth 96 line met in the AIESEC conference. (From left: Me, KeQi, WeiJun, WeiHeng) It was surprised to see them, felt like reunion after so long. I felt connected when UTAR was announced to be the 14th LC, and felt happy for them. It is indeed a great news for them. Just the same as our LC has been announced as LC in Penang, it is no longer within USM only. We want every youth in Penang get to experience what we are experiencing right now, to build a sustainable Penang. 

One of the fun thing is: I met two guy named Eugene as well in this conference. This is Eugene from UPM and another Eugene (I didn't get the chance to take photo with him.) from Unimas. I think most of the people asked me the same question after I told them my name: "I thought Eugene is a guy's name?" Ya indeed. Just because the pronunciation of my ori name, that's all. I feel like I meet a lot of Eugene after I started to use this name. Haha.

A lot of people around me aren't really know what am I doing, of course do not understand why I put my heart into AIESEC as well. Not saying that you should join AIESEC so that you can develop and learn more, you can do whatever you think it is right for you to do, but one thing is: If you do not aware that you have to develop yourself, and continue to hide your flaws and do nothing, then please wake up. Is not that we shall do a lot a lot of amazing thing to contribute back to this country, one of the small action that you can done to contribute is to be a better person and live a meaningful life. You will not be the one to change this country change this world, but someone else will do it, just that their leadership potential haven't been activated, and everyone of us playing the part to empower people around us. Who knows that the future leader of this country or this world is sitting in front of you right now. 

-To be continued-


@gnes said…
You absolutely had made a great decision joining this! A great leader is always be a listener and interact with people. I am sure this workshop will transform you and guide you along your future endeavor. Great job, Jing! Keep it up!
五月年华 said…
Thank you! :D