I think this is the second favourite scene of mine in The Beauty and The Beast. I couldn't find any screenshot for my top favourite one; it was the outdoor scene where both of them were standing on an icey bridge, amazed by the scenery of ice lake while Belle was reading out loud of the book she hold. To me, it is always important that could experience something new and mesmerizing together with someone that truly feels you. Sympathy it calls, I guess? Back then in 2015 I watched the animation version for the first time. As expected, I cried while Belle came back for the Beast but unfortunately he got shot by the stupid Gaston. So I was thinking that I wouldn't cry, or at least wouldn't cry as hard as last time since I had already knew the ending of the story. Perhaps I had forgotten that I always knew that Disney movie has never broke the happy ending rules, yet I always cry hard. I guess maybe there isn't much thing for me to c...