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初中三开始,因为人与人之间的矛盾及分歧,我总是对人类没抱着太大的希望。 而大家其实都会说:  没那么严重吧,五年后你再看回来,你会发现根本就是蒜皮般的小事。 如果是芝麻绿豆小事,至今我还清晰记得当时的感受也无法不去记得,那你教教我怎么办。 我记得那时我厌恶去上学,去看到所谓的同学和其他班的同学。从那时开始,我已经习惯走路低着头看或是看远方,学习理睬四周的事情,更不和别人的眼睛对上,那是件很可怕的事情。我记得我经常绕大路走远一点的路,因为不想经过其他的课室,接受不了任何人投向我的眼光。我记得每一次若不信遇上其他同学,我最受不了的就是他们的笑声,即使那不是在笑我。 我怕。可是我没办法和谁说,因为其实那就只是芝麻绿豆小事。 他们说,等时间长了,自然就会忘了。 我想,那可能是他们当时觉得只有这样安慰才有效吧。 所以我一直在等时间边长,等我会忘了。 后来我才发现,至今为止,我还记得那时无助的慌张。 觉得全世界的箭都往我这里飞来,我的盾当不了。 我知道自己有错,但是那时才16岁,只能硬着头皮往自己里面躲。 那个时候我很喜欢看郭敬明的书,因为它们充满绝望。而当时的我,沉浸在绝望的世界里,一直不想出来。【悲伤逆流成河】的易瑶死的时候,我仿佛看见她静静地坠落,然后静静地,没有痛处了。 那时我在想,是不是只要静静地离开,就什么都不需要想了。 可是我意识我身上有很多责任,很多责任需要交代,我没办法不出来。 我一直牢牢记着我而是爱看的漫画【幽游白书】里面的一个情景: 男主意外身亡的时候,她母亲坐在灵堂哭得很悲痛;然后他告诉选择死亡的男二,如果他看过自己最爱的人在灵堂为自己哭泣的样子,一定会后悔自己的决定。 自小我努力向学,乖巧懂事,样样事情不依赖父母,然后希望在各方面可以表现并受到青睐,换取父母脸上的光彩及骄傲。那是我最开心的事。 家人一直是我秉持的信仰。他们的幸福和快乐,是我这一辈子的目标。 我在五岁的时候就立下我要让我父母住大房子做大汽车的誓言。 两年前有位学姐问我:幸福对你而言是什么?然后我说家人平安开心快乐。 她说:你自己的幸福呢? 我说我没什么好幸福的,家人幸福,我就幸福了。 她说这可不行,你该想想有什么事是可以让你幸福的。 我这一辈子有过很多愿望,可是我并没有很恳切地希望这些愿望成真,所以都一直没...

A post to remember him

People leave when the time arrives. My Granpa passed away exactly one week before I turned 21. I was rushing my final project for my minor course in the 24 hours library in the midnight. And I received the call from my dad. He asked me to stay calm, and I did. I was very calm, as I had mentally prepared for this coming for almost 1 month. He was sick. Right after Chinese New Year, his stomach bloated and was full of water, his body failed to eliminate those water due to misfunction of some of his organs. He admitted to the hospital, and I learnt something through the hospital. Doctor's duty is to treat you, but whether you cold successfully recover from that, it's totally up to you. And being a teacher I could feel this well; Teacher's duty is to teach, but whether the students understand the message of the lesson, it's totally up to respective students. I really do not understand why the bloated stomach could take away his life. I thought everything will b...

Somtimes, being selfish is not selfish at all.

"Who was that?" The friend who was sitting on my co-driver seat just hung up his phone and sighed silently. "My colleague. He asked me to replace his shifts for tomorrow night because his assignments due is near." Meanwhile, he scrolled his newly-changed Iphone 7 and checked on his schedule calendar. "So you don't have any assignments?" My words struck one as sarcasm. "I have... and I haven't start yet." He muttered. "Then why did you agreed to help him?" "Aiya, my due is next Friday, I still have plenty of time." He came up with an excuse. "Are you sure?" I wasn't doubting his abilities to finish his assignments in time, I was just trying to remind him. Remind him about his own priorities. There are plenty of friends of mine always played a good-person role. They think that they should help the others once they have the space and ability to do it. They are real good. They would really back you...

It recalls the feeling of yearning for company. It calls love yourself more.

I think this is the second favourite scene of mine in The Beauty and The Beast. I couldn't find any screenshot for my top favourite one; it was the outdoor scene where both of them were standing on an icey bridge, amazed by the scenery of ice lake while Belle was reading out loud of the book she hold. To me, it is always important that could experience something new and mesmerizing together with someone that truly feels you. Sympathy it calls, I guess? Back then in 2015 I watched the animation version for the first time. As expected, I cried while Belle came back for the Beast but unfortunately he got shot by the stupid Gaston. So I was thinking that I wouldn't cry, or at least wouldn't cry as hard as last time since I had already knew the ending of the story. Perhaps I had forgotten that I always knew that Disney movie has never broke the happy ending rules, yet I always cry hard. I guess maybe there isn't much thing for me to c...

People asked me why did you stop joining society in second year.

I was officially the alumni for AIESEC in Penang for one and half month. The question that I always had right after making the decision of ending my term to serve for APEN is that "What actually let you made up your mind for this decision?" I came across this article just now. 「生命中的苦難使我們更堅強。」今天要用心理學來狠狠打臉這句話 And it stroke me somehow, and I feel like writing it out. For almost 20 years, I always believe in this quote: "We became stronger after we overcome our fear and failure." And one of my biggest vision of life is to be a strong person as soon as I realized that underprivillege minority always do not have the equal rights as strong person. So what is the definition of being strong? Everyone define it in different way. Me either. I didn't know my definition of being strong for a very long time. What I knew was that I only encourage myself that being strong are being  not giving up on the things that hurt me; being strong is always do not put ho...